10 mistakes To avoid When starting An online company

10 mistakes To avoid When starting An online company

There are numerous reasons why you would want to start an online business. The Internet is a fantastic thing and having a site can offer various benefits. some of the top reasons to start an online company include:

You can start with a very small budget

You can be location independent

You can expand much faster online than with brick and mortar

You’ll have a huge audience (worldwide)

But, as with any business, it’s not always easy. You need to dedicate a lot of time and energy, but having something to call your own and being your own boss makes it all worthwhile. When you’re first starting your website, there are various things to think about and mistakes to be made!

In this post, I’m going to tell you 10 mistakes new online company owners make, and how to avoid them.

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1. Not having a clear Plan

Before you do anything, you need to make a plan. You have to know where you want to choose your online business, what you want to convey, who is going to be your target audience, etc.

There are numerous things to consider when starting a website. some of the first things you need to plan include:

Your niche. This is very important. choose a topic you are passionate about. Something you don’t mind working on 24 hours a day if needed. Also, assess your niche, see what (and who) is already in this space, and what is still available for you to cover.

Create an avatar / persona. In your mind, create a personality of your desired audience. who do you want reading your blog and purchasing your products? What do they like, what do they do, how do they spend their totally free time? You have to make them as comprehensive as possible so that you know how to method them.

Name and tagline. talk about blog name ideas and choose a name that is catchy and represents what you are doing. It ought to be easy to remember. even better, create a tagline to go along with it so that people know why they are on your blog or site best away. This also makes it simpler to remember you.

Monetization strategy. It’s really good to have a blog or site where you write about things you love. but what we all want when starting a company is to make money from it. So, you have to think how you want to monetize your online business. Are you going to do affiliate marketing, are you going to sell your own products?

Marketing strategy. What is a site worth if no one sees it? That is why you need to think about how you are going to bring people to your site. will it be through social media, through guest posts, through paid traffic? If it is with social media, for example, you will have to create accounts, create content, make ads, manage the accounts, etc. It’s essential to think about all of these things up front.

Design. think about how you want your site to look. What colors do you want to use? Do you want your social media to have a special design? Do you have a logo? how ought to it be situated? These are all things that you ought to consider because it’s going to be the first thing that people see when they arrive at your site. first impressions are important.

If you don’t have a clear plan from the start, you won’t have a focus or clear direction for your site, and will probably end up wasting a lot of time.

2. focusing on The small Things

There are numerous things that need to be done when starting a website. Some tasks have much more significance than others, implying they will require much more of your time and effort.

Rather than focusing on the small things, figure out what you need to do to help your company grow quickly. details are important, but what ought to come first is having your company up and running.

In the beginning, don’t worry too much about having the ideal profile picture. Instead, choose one that looks good, you can always change it later, just get something up.

Don’t spend the whole day answering emails. set aside an hour a day for this task and relocation on to other things.

Don’t spend hours editing photos and working on your design, just spend a few hours. When you’re starting out, your site might not look exactly how you want it to, but that’s ok as long as it’s functional and user-friendly. focus on creating good content first, and worry about meticulous design stuff later.

It is better to get the things done even if they are not ideal than not getting them done at all.

Work under the Pareto principle. Do 20% of the tasks that brings you 80% of the results. If Instagram brings you much more readers and sales than Facebook, focus much more on that platform. creating content for your site will bring you traffic, while working on design and “small things” won’t.

Work on the tasks that will bring you visitors, and money.

3. starting An email list too Late

This is one of the things that online company owners regret the most. They wished that they had started collecting emails from the very beginning.

Why is that?

An email list is the best way to monetize your blog or website. through the email list, you build a relationship with your audience. You send them great content and special suggestions and they get to know you. So when you recommend a product, tour, company, etc. they are much much more likely to purchase from you because they count on you opinion.

A great way to build an email list is to make a “pop-up” with Thrive, Opt-In Monster or MailMunch.  the best way to collect emails from that pop-up is to give away something for totally free to your readers. It might be an ebook, a checklist, a report, a course, templates, etc. It should be a relevant, high quality product for people to be prepared to give you their email address.

Once you have those emails, you’ll want to create an autoresponder. ConvertKit and ConstantContact are popular email marketing companies. ConvertKit is much more for advanced users, while ConstantContact is great for beginners because they offer 2 months for totally free and a lower price point after that.

If you want to take your emails seriously and you want help to build a good list, then the customer support with constant contact is what you’re after. They can help you every step of the way to guarantee that your list is engaged and your emails are delivered to the inbox.

Like constant contact, with ConvertKit, you can send out emails in a sequence to your readers, all of which are automized, implying you don’t have to spend a lot of time writing them.


It’s essential to offer your best content or helpful information in those automated emails, but it’s much more essential to still send out “real-time” broadcasts to the followers on your email lists as well.

You might want to consider having an exit pop-up on your site for when people are trying to leave your site they are reminded that they can download your important totally free product.

As you can see, having an email list is an essential aspect of having an online business. Don’t miss out on monetizing your audience from day one.

4. trying to rock Every social media at Once

To be successful in social media you have to put in a lot of time and create very engaging content. new bloggers and site owners often underestimate what’s involved. many people think it’s as easy as submitting a picture to Instagram once a day, and posting something on Facebook.

This is just one small aspect of social media. First, you have to create the content, and needs to be really good in purchase for people to share it.

You also have to engage with your audience in purchase for the algorithms from these social media platforms to actually show your content to users. If you just submit a picture a day without any engagement they will think your account is a spam account. social media isn’t a “set it and forget it” type thing.

If you receive comments or messages you want to answer them best away, and you ought to be commenting on other profiles from your niche. You’ll need to do everything you finish with your personal social media accounts, but on a larger scale if you want to grow fast.

All of this takes a considerable amount of time, and it’s better to learn one social media at a time until you’ve figured it out. once you are rocking one platform, add the next one.

5. focusing on too numerous Tasks

Within a business, there are unlimited things that need to be done and even if you wanted to, you can’t do everything at once. It’s too much work and you’ll end up frustrated.

Instead of trying to focus on everything at the same time, decide on the one or two tasks that are the most essential at that moment and get them done before starting with the next one.

You can also enlist outside help to complete certain tasks so that your workload is less. rather than trying to figure it out yourself, you can hire someone to do the site design, someone to take care of your email list, or hire a Pinterest manager. No matter what you need help with there is always someone who you can hire.

There are numerous platforms where you can find freelancers or virtual support to help you with all these tasks. have a look at For example Fiverr, Guru, Freelancer or PeoplePerHour to name a few.

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If you’re feeling overwhelmed, or there is something that you don’t know how to do, outsource that particular job. Not only will it give you much more time to focus on other things, but many likely the person you hire will be faster at completing that task than you.

6. Waiting too long to launch Your first Product

When many sites and blogs start out, they typically make their first bucks with affiliate marketing. trying to figure out the affiliate marketing platforms, and learning how affiliate marketing works takes time, but earning passive income is the best.

Earning a commission from travel insurance, hotel bookings, site hosting, Amazon, etc. is great, but if you have your own product to sell, you will take home the full sale price rather than just a small cut.

I’m not saying that you ought to have a product for sale from the very beginning, but once you start getting used to the process of earning passive income, and building your audience you ought to start thinking about it. and because you started your email list from the very beginning you will have those readers to promote your products to.

Some ideas for first products that you can launch are:

Ebooks. An ebook is a very common product because it’s easy and cheap to produce. It’s also easy to sell because it’s just a file instead of being a paperback. If you sell an ebook on platforms like Amazon you don’t even have to worry about customer service or the sales process. But, you can sell your own book directly on your site with E-junkie, keeping all of the profits.

Courses. If you run a site about a particular topic it’s because you probably know much more about that topic than most. So why not share that knowledge with others in a course? If you know how to set up a website, create a course on that. If you want to help people learn how to start a travel blog, create a course about that. video tutorials, interactive media, podcasts, downloadable PDFs, etc. are all great components of a course.

Membership sites. You can charge for membership on a site where you share exclusive content.

Coaching. If you have something to instruct and share, you can do it through coaching. This is a one on one service, and for that reason much more exclusive than a course.

Presets or themes. If you have really cool Lightroom presets or an amazing WordPress theme, for example, you can sell them to your audience.

Your audience will be waiting for you to have a product available, don’t make them wait too long!

7. Not Being Different

The Internet is huge and like you, there are a lot of people searching for opportunities out there. So you have to do a bit of research and make yourself stand out.

What are others in my field doing? how do they succeed? What can I do differently?

You don’t want to be exactly the same as others in your genre. What makes you different and what can you offer your readers that your competitor doesn’t? focus on what your customer / audience is interested in, and give them a reason to keep returning to your site rather than another.

Most likely your readers have already had a look at sites in your field, and it’s essential to find something that makes you stand apart – whether it’s your personality, your subjects, your writing, your epic photography, whatever it is, just make sure you’re unique.

8. choosing a topic You Don’t care About

When starting an online business, it’s essential to choose a topic or niche that you’re passionate about.

If you’re starting a blog, you have to choose a topic that you are knowledgable on, and interested in. Something that you could talk about all day – food, tech, travel, fas

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